Aligning Your Body For Better Health
We are dedicated to the improvement of our patient’s physical condition. Our state-of-the-art equipment and facilities give us the ability to use the latest therapeutic methods for your rehabilitation, including:
Physical Therapy
Drugs and surgery may not always be effective for healing certain kinds of injuries. For these ones, physical therapy is the ideal treatment. Our experienced chiropractors are highly knowledgeable in this area, and they dedicate themselves to helping rehabilitate your body from an array of issues.
Chiro Adjustments
There are some cases where small but precise adjustments are needed to help you recover from spinal problems. We’ll apply targeted and controlled force on your spinal joints, which results in improved bodily motion and function.
Hot and Cold Therapy (Cryotherapy)
Our team will alternately use hot and cold treatments to relieve your muscle and joint from aching. With this technique, you’ll get short-term comfort from swelling, stiffness, pain, and other issues.
Neuromuscular Re-Education
If left unused because of injury, your muscles can atrophy and weaken. We offer neuromuscular re-education to help you retrain muscle groups and restore normal motor functions.
Therapeutic Exercises
Our therapeutic exercise programs can help you improve bodily movement while recovering from injuries. These are structured to effectively repair impairments and enhance physical fitness overall.
Transportation Service
Our team recognizes that some injuries make it difficult for people to come to our clinic. If you have trouble traveling to us for treatment, we offer a transportation service to help make commuting easier for you. We’ll schedule the pick-up and drop-off times so that you won’t be late for any of your appointments.